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See what our customers have to say about us.

For Christmas, I received a beautiful gift box filled with some great Greek treats, perfect for a charcuterie night. I couldn’t wait for a traditional charcuterie night and ate the delicious Greek thyme honey daily with yogurt for a tasty breakfast. The Vee extra virgin olive oil, is some of the best I’ve had. It is so good you only need to add a little salt for a delicious bread dip. The items themselves were enhanced by the way Tasoula put the items together in a gift box.

Danielle Brodhecker


#shop #gourmet #greek #food products at #healthy @PrettyGourmetNY @FoodPorn @foodandwine @NiaVardalos

Nia Vardalos Actress

We used Pretty Gourmet to send corporate gift baskets to our clients during Christmas. We were very pleased with the professional service, contents of the baskets and presentation. The products selected for our baskets were of high quality and our clients were very pleased!

Philip Christopher President, American Network Solutions, New York.

I was looking to give a friend a house warming gift when he moved to Los Angeles. I wanted to give a authentic “Greek” assortment of condiments. How lucky was I to have found Tasoula, owner of Pretty Gourmet. She was referred to me, worked with my budget, was very creative (coming from a grahic designer says a lot) and shipped it for me right away. She is definitely on top of my referal list.

Rick Henschel

I have sent baskets from PrettyGourmet to different people for different occasions and all of my recipients were extremely happy not only with the contents but with the presentation as well. The contents are beautifully arranged and the decorations are elegant and appropriate for each occasion. I have sent these baskets to friends for Christmas holidays, for Easter, as wedding gifts, and as a “thank you for dinner” gifts. The attention to detail is incredible and the prices are reasonable! I have found my one-stop shop for gourmet baskets! Thank you PrettyGourmet.

Stavroula Nestoros New York

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