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Privacy policy

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At Pretty Gourmet we know that our customers expect us to keep information about them private and secure. This statement describes our privacy policy. By visiting, you are accepting the practices described below.

Personal Information About Customers That Pretty Gourmet collects:
Information You Give Us:

We reserve the right to store any information, other than your credit card number and avs code, that you enter on our web site or provide us over the phone or in any other way. This includes address information and shopping choices. We use the information that you provide for such purposes as shipping your packages, responding to your requests, improving our selection, and communicating with you. We may also use that information for future marketing purposes.

Automatic Information:

We receive and store certain data elements whenever you log on to our web site. Like many web sites, we use cookies and obtain browser information like referring pages and browser brand and version.

How We Use Cookies

Cookies are small files that reside on your computer that web sites transfer to your hard drive through your browser. Our cookies simply enable our web site to recognize who you are in order to offer you a personalized greeting or determine your membership in our loyalty program. We also use cookies to store items in your shopping cart before checkout. In order to shop successfully at, you need to leave cookies turned on in your browser’s settings.

How shares information about customers:

PrettyGourmet provides your shipping information to UPS or USPS (for shipping purposes) and to suppliers that function as third-party drop shippers for us. The information we supply to drop shippers only relates to the specific order being fulfilled by them. It is generally sent by secure email, secure http or secure ftp. We securely transmit your credit card data to the appropriate credit card company during order processing. As web technology and the online operating environment are constantly evolving, we cannot accurately predict all future applications of the data we store about your order history. If you strongly oppose any use of your contact information other than what is needed to fulfill orders, please let us know by emailing us at

With respect to law enforcement, we may be obliged to release personal information if we believe such release is appropriate to comply with the law, or protect the rights, property, or safety of, our users, or others. This includes exchanging information with organizations that fight fraud and identity theft.

Security of Sensitive Information

We work to protect the security of your information during transmission by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software, which encrypts information you input. We reveal only a fragment of your credit card number when confirming an order. Information stored in our customer database is protected using state-of-the-art security methods.

Our business changes constantly, and our Privacy Statement may change periodically. Please check our web site frequently to see if any changes take place. For questions, please contact us by phone at 917 543-8083 or by mail at 58-05 214 street, Bayside Hills, New York 11364




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